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Talking Business

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Business Process Improvement

Low cost competition, required superior customer experience and satisfaction, ability to respond to rapidly changing business conditions like increasing resource costs, growing IT costs, and similar negative effects on business profitability, cash reserves and employee satisfaction require a comprehensive look at the problem and the development of deep rooted solutions.

Milan Consulting together with its network of partners using tools such as Lean Enterprise, Six-Sigma, Value Chain Integration, and Total Factor Productivity improvement techniques provide the leadership required to: Discover, Analyze, Design. Develop, Implement and Institutionalize, the solutions. 

This is accomplished by bringing together a cross functional and cross-stakeholder team, in the form of a Process Council with Process Owners to understand the issues and eventually own the solution.  Milan Consulting will bring the elements of process, culture and technology together with a focus on developing practical, cost effective road maps with solution alternatives along an implementable continuum. 

Addressing any one of these aspects can achieve gains but is unlikely to lead to institutionalization of the solution, without a holistic approach.

Copyright: <a href=''>olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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